Donard School

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22a Castlewellan Road, Banbridge, County Down BT32 4XY

028 4066 2357

Donard School

A Bridge to Learning

  1. School Information
  2. Therapy Provision

Our therapy team want to introduce themelves to all our new parents!

Speech and Language Therapy Updates 


Therapy Provision

Physio Resouces -

The files below contain resources from the school physiotherapy team.

 core stability.pdfDownload
 Gross Motor skills- overview (002).pdfDownload
 Side lying activities.pdfDownload
 Tummy Time.pdfDownload
Showing 1-4 of 4

Physio Resouces - 

The files below contain resources from the school physiotherapy team.

 Joe Wicks Workout.pdfDownload
Showing 1-1 of 1

Therapy Provision

Donard Therapy Team

Donard Therapy Team will be available if you need our help or support at this challenging time. The SLTs, Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists will be based in Trust facilities when the school is closed.

Contact numbers are provided below - leave a message for us if we are not available, and we will get in touch as soon as we can.

Keep safe over the coming weeks.

Best wishes

SLT Team – Aisling Hanna, Lisa Toal (contact 028 38613107 Child Development Clinic)

Occupational Therapy Team – Contact 02838613107 Child Development Clinic

Physiotherapy Team – Dianne Rollins (contact 028 38613107 Child Development Clinic)

Other useful numbers

NRS (Approved wheelchair repairers) – 02892672888

SHSCT Estates - 02837563765