Welcome to J4
January 2025
J4 have enjoyed settling back into their school routine after Christmas break. We have had lots of fun exploring Winter through sensory play, Winter sensory stories, sensology and art. We got to experience real snow and the cold weather didn't stop us from having lots of fun outdoors. This month we have been having a ball in our new engine room!
December 2024
J4 have had a great December filled with lots of festive fun. We have had so much fun exploring Christmas in music, stories and making gifts for our families. We took part in the Santa run, visited Santa in his grotto and met Dolly the Donkey. We loved getting into the festive spirit with all of our Christmas activities!
Staff in J4 would like to wish all of our pupils and their families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
November 2024
November has been a very exciting month for J4. We moved into our new classroom and have welcomed new friends into our class. We have been settling into our new routines and have been focusing on the colours red and green! We have been very busy and have had lot's of fun exploring our topic in cookery, sensory story and art.
October 2024
In J4 we have been working very hard and having lots of fun. This month we have enjoyed exploring Autumn with lots of sensory activities. During Numeracy week we explored animals, we made fish shaped wrap pizzas and loved our animal themed sensory music. We took a trip to the pumpkin patch and everyone had a great time exploring the spooky props and choosing their own pumpkin to bring home.
September 2024
J4 have had a very busy month! Throughout September we have been working on settling into school routine and building relationships. In class we have been getting to know one another through our topic 'All About Me'. We've had lots of fun exploring this topic through structured play, art, music, sensory activities, cookery and sensory stories. We have been getting to know new areas in school and have enjoyed trips to the play park and sensory garden. We are excited for a fun filled school year!